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leyu乐鱼体育 - 无题(六十)-r/customhearthstone每周设计选取

2022-12-06 来源:leyu乐鱼体育平台

leyu乐鱼体育 - 无题(六十)-r/customhearthstone每周设计选取

    2022 10.3-10.16今朝该社区成员数约为87.4k。太空使命0费 术数使所有友方侍从得到圣盾。当它们掉去该圣盾时,冻结它们。[The gear is pretty fragile so be careful! 约450赞]城堡吸血鬼2费 侍从 4/3吸血亡语:将“炽燃圣光”置入你敌手的手牌。[AHH! NOT THE SUN! 约200赞]一马当先2费 术数发明一张术数牌。于你使用这张术数牌后,发明一张野兽牌。[You gotta impress them with your skills to win them over. 约100赞]碎天奥拉基尔8费 侍从-元素 3/5战吼:使你手牌,牌库和疆场中的侍从随机从讽刺,圣盾,风怒或者突袭中得到一项。[Al'Akir of the Shattered Sky, Midrange and Control Shaman support with repeat Battlecries fulfill the fantasy of turning every minion you have into Al'Akir. 约200赞]可爱交融怪3费 侍从-全数 1/5该侍从是一个友方(友善的)侍从。[Cute Amalgam - Do you have an eye for opportunities? 约250赞]奥秘机动7费 术数施放耗损共计20点法力值的肆意职业秘密。展现没法使用的那些。(方针随机而定)*作者暗示没法使用的秘密会直接触发[What do you guys think of this Rogue Secret support card? Just secrets turned into spells. I guess there may be 1 or 2 secrets that might need to be excluded, but it is doable 约300赞]破碎身份1费 术数-阴影秘密:当你的敌手使用一张侍从牌时,反制该侍从。你的敌手随机理睬呼唤一个法力值耗损不异的侍从。[Who am I? I think you should ask yourself that question. 约250赞]卡雷的研究3费 术数秘密:当你敌手的操作将会触发你手牌中的一个秘密,将其与此秘密互换并触发。["Those Azure Archives, man. They got secrets in there you don't even KNOW." 约200赞]永恒的奥2费 侍从-元素 4/1突袭。亡语:假如你于该侍从存活时施放偏激焰术数,再次理睬呼唤该侍从。["Note: Apply fire to heal wounds. Feed him often. Thanks, Jaina" - KS 约250赞]炙烤伤口1费 术数-火焰对于你的英雄造成6点危险,得到免疫直到你的下个回合。[Helps stop the bleeding. 约500赞]摆谱的鹦鹉3费 侍从-野兽 3/3战吼:反复你敌手使用的上一个战吼。[Why should Brilliant Maccaw have all the mimicking fun? Give Thief Priest some support! 约550赞]张牙舞爪4费 术数从两边玩家的牌库中各理睬呼唤三个侍从。于你的回合竣事时,将它们洗回各自拥有者的牌库。[It's like window shopping, but for things to smash! 约450赞]魔典侏儒1费 侍从 1/3你的英雄技术改成发明一张术数牌。年夜魔典2费 英雄技术发明一张术数牌。[Too busy reading books to do homework. 约450赞]焦油之王古尔戈6费 侍从-元素 3/7讽刺。战吼:于本局对于战的残剩时间内,你的侍从于你敌手的回合得到+2进犯力。[Just a little throwback at Un’Goro with a new member to the tar family 约750赞]探险者米格斯8费 侍从 5/5亡语:藏身在你牌库中的五张牌下。该侍从颠末的每一个侍从法力值耗损削减(5)点。["To find Big Candle, gotta dig deep. This Kobold Way." 约400赞]殴打指控1费 术数选择一个侍从,于你使用一张机械牌后将其覆灭。*battery是“殴打”以及“电池”的双关[No, not THAT kind of battery. 约400赞]投手萨格6费 侍从 4/4突袭,风怒。每一当该侍从进犯一个侍从时,改成将方针侍从移回其拥有者的手牌。可以进犯友方侍从。[Me no smash, me throooow!!! 约150赞]黑鳞船主3费 侍从-海盗 4/2对于战最先时:将掉落之矛置在你的牌库底。战吼:探底。掉落之矛4费 兵器 4/1亡语:将这把兵器置在你的牌库底。保留所有分外效果。[Captain Blackscale - Note: Start of Game effect activates after the mulligan 约500赞]变幻师5费 侍从 5/5战吼:将你手牌中法力值耗损最低的侍从晋升至法力值耗损为(6),属性值为6/7。[You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become an Ogre 约1.4k赞]赌圣安杰姆7费 侍从 5/8战吼:对于一个侍从造成1-25点危险。声誉覆灭:覆灭敌方英雄。[Your opponent always seems to get the right amount of damage. 约650赞]

